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My name is Itaru. I was born and raised in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. I left Fukui when I was a junior high school student, but 20 years later, in 2011, I came back.
I earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Kanazawa University and a master’s degree in life science from Kyoto University.
I really like reading books. I read several kinds of books such as religion, philosophy, novels, non-fiction books, and so on. I also like watching soccer. My favorite player is Miura Kazuyoshi, who’s known as Kazu.
I sometimes read manga. I really like Dragon Ball. When I was an elementary school student,Toriyama Akira, the author of Dragon Ball, came to Fukui. I saw him then, and it’s something I’ll never forget.
I’ve been to Canada, the USA, India, China, Tonga, and England.
I write this blog because I’d like to know more about Fukui Prefecture, and I also like to tell people around the world about Fukui.