Soba, which is a kind of Japanese noodle, is one of the symbols of Japanese cuisine. There are a lot of kinds of soba such as zaru soba, tempura soba, green tea soba, kake soba (soba noodles in broth), and oroshi soba.

(source: Fukui Photo Gallery)
Fukui’s oroshi soba is one of the most well-known kinds of soba in Japan. It’s soba noodles served with grated Japanese radish, green onions, and katsuobushi (small shavings of dried bonito) on top.
There are two types of soba: hot soba and cold soba. Fukui’s oroshi soba is served cold. It’s commonly known as Echizen soba(越前そば).

Interestingly, the name Echizen soba originated from remarks by the Showa emperor, who’s the grandfather of the present Japanese emperor. In 1947, he went to Echizen in Fukui and ate the oroshi soba. He liked it so much that he had a second helping. After going back to the Imperial Palace, he said that the soba in Echizen was delicious and that he wanted to eat it again.
Since then, Fukui’s oroshi soba has been called Echizen soba.
The most important feature of Echizen soba is the grated Japanese radish, which is called oroshi in Japanese, on top. It’s white and spicy.

In addition to the grated radish, you should also notice the beautiful plates it’s served on.
In Japan, a lot of people slurp when they eat soba, which makes it tastier. However, I recommend eating it however you like. Soba is good for your health because it prevents hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. However, some people are allergic to soba, which is made from buckwheat. If you feel unwell when you eat soba, you should stop eating.
Echizen soba has a 400-year history, and it’s loved by people in Fukui and all around Japan. There are a lot of soba restaurants in Fukui where you can eat Echizen soba.
If you’re interested in it, why don’t you go to Echizen Soba no Sato (Echizen Soba Village), where you can eat soba, see a soba factory, and buy souvenirs.
Next, I’m going to write about Echizen Soba no Sato.
「日本一うまい!越前おろしそば そばびと。」(著者・編集:FBC福井放送「そばびと」製作チーム)(西日本出版社)
「そば好きがうなる 北陸の銘店」(編集:有限会社グループフィリア)(北日本新聞社)
「萬福 そば天国ふくい」(福井新聞社)
「福井 地理・地名・地図の謎」(編著:実業之日本社)(実業之日本社)
「越前そばの道しるべ 日本そば博覧会IN福井)
「日本人は蕎麦のことを何も知らない。」(著:山縣 基与志)(編集:丹治 靜)(学習研究社)
「蕎麦の辞典」(著:新島 繁)(講談社)
「風流 江戸の蕎麦」(著:鈴木健一)(中央公論新社)
「物語 食の文化」(著:北岡 正三郎)( 中央公論新社)
「すし 天ぷら 蕎麦 うなぎ」(著:飯野亮一)(筑摩書房)